Part 1: The Identity Of Our Spirit
Our exploration starts from the identity of our spirit.
I’m often asked by my clients to help them connect with their spirits. Many of them have invested years of spiritual practice to gain this connection. I believe we can’t connect with our spirit, because we are our spirit.
We are old spirits engaged in an educational journey that started a long time ago, from a place of brute primitiveness and ignorance. Through the experiences of many existences we have evolved to where we are now. Each existence has helped us grow and progress toward a place of expanded awareness and unconditional love, which is the goal of our spiritual journey.
Expanding awareness is the purpose of our life on Earth. Imagine our time as humans as a 24/7 school, where we gain learning and understanding through our experiences. Each experience, whether good or challenging, teaches us something precious and helps us grow. During this learning process, we are provided with lessons focused on specific topics, like learning how to respect love, money, become emotionally independent, live in the moment, respect others, allow happiness, and so on.
Each lesson keeps us on the hook and repeats itself with increased pressure until it is gained and implemented. Like in school, we must stay in the same class until we pass before we’re able to move on. This may be a fast and happy process or a very painful one. It depends on our ability to understand the process and embrace the lessons that life presents.
Most of my clients come with a sense of regret for the time wasted battling with failures, struggle, and fear. During our work they learn how to appreciate and capitalize on challenging experiences. They leave grateful and enriched about their past. Our past can be felt as a sequence of failures, or as a powerful learning process. It depends how we look at it.
We are spirits that have arrived on Earth to improve our awareness. To carry out our mission, we are equipped with a physical body purposely built for the task. Imagine you are exploring a world where you can’t survive or operate without proper equipment. You would use gear that is designed to be suitable for your environment and equipped with sensors, cameras, and tools that you may require for the job. The gear that we use to live on Earth is our mind and body, purposely built for the task and the Earth’s environment. We have legs for transport, hands as tools, eyes as cameras, ears as microphones, and so on.
The notion of separation between us and our body, and the relationship that we implement with it will determine the quality and effectiveness of our life.
In the next part of this series, we will explore the relationship between us as spirit and our body. If you have questions feel free to contact me.
Thank you for reading!