Category: spiritual

Part 1: The Identity Of Our Spirit

Part 1: The Identity Of Our Spirit

Our exploration starts from the identity of our spirit.

I’m often asked by my clients to help them connect with their spirits. Many of them have invested years of spiritual practice to gain this connection. I believe we can’t connect with our spirit, because we are our spirit.

We are old spirits engaged in an educational journey that started a long time ago, from a place of brute primitiveness and ignorance. Through the experiences of many existences we have evolved to where we are now. Each existence has helped us grow and progress toward a place of expanded awareness and unconditional love, which is the goal of our spiritual journey.

Expanding awareness is the purpose of our life on Earth. Imagine our time as humans as a 24/7 school, where we gain learning and understanding through our experiences. Each experience, whether good or challenging, teaches us something precious and helps us grow. During this learning process, we are provided with lessons focused on specific topics, like learning how to respect love, money, become emotionally independent, live in the moment, respect others, allow happiness, and so on.

Each lesson keeps us on the hook and repeats itself with increased pressure until it is gained and implemented. Like in school, we must stay in the same class until we pass before we’re able to move on. This may be a fast and happy process or a very painful one. It depends on our ability to understand the process and embrace the lessons that life presents.   

Most of my clients come with a sense of regret for the time wasted battling with failures, struggle, and fear. During our work they learn how to appreciate and capitalize on challenging experiences. They leave grateful and enriched about their past. Our past can be felt as a sequence of failures, or as a powerful learning process. It depends how we look at it.

We are spirits that have arrived on Earth to improve our awareness. To carry out our mission, we are equipped with a physical body purposely built for the task. Imagine you are exploring a world where you can’t survive or operate without proper equipment. You would use gear that is designed to be suitable for your environment and equipped with sensors, cameras, and tools that you may require for the job. The gear that we use to live on Earth is our mind and body, purposely built for the task and the Earth’s environment. We have legs for transport, hands as tools, eyes as cameras, ears as microphones, and so on.

The notion of separation between us and our body, and the relationship that we implement with it will determine the quality and effectiveness of our life.

In the next part of this series, we will explore the relationship between us as spirit and our body. If you have questions feel free to contact me.

Thank you for reading!

The vertical hierarchy of spirit over mind – explained in simple terms.

The vertical hierarchy of spirit over mind – explained in simple terms.

From the book The Mind Shaman

“The quest started right after she woke up from the surgery. She was still stoned from the anesthesia when she asked me the first question. Her anxiety to know became so urgent that she overcame her physical weakness and stayed up for hours, asking thousands of questions, listening without wasting any time doubting my knowledge, trusting me as her teacher, and allowing my guidance to accompany her through this journey of enlightenment. After a couple of days working together on the vertical hierarchy of spirit over mind, my mom asked me to explain this concept to her in simple terms so that she could gain this notion quickly and move on. I heard myself talking, but it wasn’t me:

“Mom, imagine yourself as a ten-year-old girl walking with your mother through Manhattan for the first time. You feel safe and confident, totally assured by your mother’s leadership, and you love all that is around you—shops, cars, people. What would happen if your mother suddenly disappeared? All your surroundings would suddenly become very scary, and you would feel terrorized, looking for a leader to substitute for your mother and seeking a shelter to hide. If your mother doesn’t come back, you may get used to surviving in fear in the too big and too scary city. If instead your mother returns, you would quickly regain your balance and joy. How did you feel throughout your life, Mom?

“When you came into this world, there were two of you: you in the form of a powerful and very experienced soul and you in the human form as baby in body and mind. In the first part of your life, your parents were entrusted by nature to protect you and educate you, as well as to identify you with your soul and establish and train your leadership over your body and mind. Unfortunately, they were entirely focused on the physical beauty and financial wealth and totally unaware of the concept of self-leadership created by a vertical hierarchy of soul, mind, and body. Therefore, you grew up the same way I did, entirely focused on your body and mind and on their performances, without being trained to activate your spirit to take charge over your physical equipment. The best part of you—your soul—was kept in standby throughout your life in a passive role.

“Therefore, as soon your parents were gone, you felt unled, unsafe, and you sought external leadership wherever it was available to you. This is the result of this new era and wouldn’t have happened in the past. In the past, there were gods that punished and strict cultures and societies that took the leadership roles over the people. People were in the follower roles for every aspect of their lives, and their existence was boring but safe. They didn’t move around much and obeyed the authority over them. Today the world is changing fast; most of us are free to choose our actions and live the life we please. This has ended the collective leaderships, and people are obliged to take care of their own self, and this, of course, feels scary to most. Why? Because we haven’t yet learned how to identify ourselves in our spirit, activating the part of us capable to lead our physical body and mind efficiently and powerfully.

“What makes it more complicated is the release of the instinct of codependency. In the past, young adults moved comfortably from their parents’ leadership to the collective and strict leaderships of their churches, social structures, and cultures, and their codependency was easily satisfied. Today we can’t count on sustaining collective leaderships, so either we learn how to activate our own soul as leader of our mind and body or we remain stuck with codependency for the rest of our lives. Does this make sense, Mom?”

“That short demonstration changed my mother’s life. She got it straightaway, and she migrated from her mind to her spirit, finally giving her mind proper leadership and taking charge, coddling and supporting her dying body with the love of a mom. From then on, it was downstream. Our conversations became easy and straightforward. She was asking, and I was answering. It was my knowledge, but I never knew I had it. Diana spent long hours listening as well, amazed by the easiness and depth of my teachings. Well . . . I was amazed too, but it felt right, and I kept my ego cool. This was not the time for cockiness; my mother was dying, and I didn’t have any time to waste.

“She left the day of my birthday, and now I feel her with me more than I ever did throughout my life. The service was unnecessarily pompous. I guess it was meant to give John some closure, but I couldn’t cry or be sad. She was so incredibly present with her new self next to me that I felt joyful. And I still am.”

Karma redefined

Karma redefined

From the book The Mind Shaman-

“We will never appreciate and be thankful enough for a life on Earth. Each time that we are allowed to reenter a physical body, our new life has to be entirely organized and sustained by the Higher Forces. It’s a highly complex and challenging project, tailor-made for each individual stage of evolution and in constant transformation as a result of our free will. The divine intelligence called Karma is responsible for this plan and generates experiences according to our learning plan and the time that we require to learn each lesson that comes with it. The same experience may have to be re-proposed a number of times before it is learned. This will delay or stall the progression of our life. Or on the flip side, if the experience is immediately capitalized and the lesson proposed by it is learned quickly, the life progression becomes much faster than originally planned.
“Let’s define Karma again and expand on this concept. In many philosophies, Karma represents the fatalistic consequence of what we did during our lives, an action and reaction. This concept of reward and/or punishment according to your past actions is a naive explanation of the precious and complex work accomplished by Karma. Karma is not either a law or a divine mechanism for reward or punishment. Karma is the divine intelligence that drives our ‘Angels’ training strategy’ throughout our spiritual journey: from dark ignorance to perfection. It’s that wonderful divine program that generates the time and type of reincarnations, as well as our lives’ teaching and experiences according to our spiritual weaknesses or to our next lesson in our learning schedule.
“With stubborn precision, Karma will make us live the same type of experience again and again until we learn that specific lesson. If we abuse money, Karma will make us struggle financially until we learn to respect the energy of wealth. If we abuse love, we may experience dreadful periods of solitude until we learn the value of feelings. What may seem to be punishment are really lessons generated in order to provide us with that specific awareness and knowledge. Karma is also responsible for the incredibly accurate generation of the teachings that we require in the exact moments we are ready for them. The saying ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear’ is, in fact, talking about the work of Karma.
“Most people are unaware that we can influence our Karma in many ways. Understanding the lesson that we need to learn from a challenging experience, as well as acquiring specific knowledge sooner than planned, will shorten the experience and avoid new similar ones. Keeping our mind and senses alert toward new understanding and teachings increases exponentially the flow of awareness and knowledge that we are able to receive. But we can go further by surrendering and starting to work hand in hand with Karma, as we would with our headmaster. This can be done by carefully analyzing repetitive patterns and identifying the experiences when they are still in the formative state. If we are able to read these messages and learn the lesson before they become a challenging experience, Karma will be satisfied and the experience can be avoided. This transforms our relationship with Karma from a passive feeling of fatality to a constructive and grateful attitude for every experience received, good or bad. Mastering the relationship with Karma puts us in charge of our evolution, allowing for a much more enjoyable, efficient, and powerful life.

“If Karma is the headmaster, then the Spirit Guides are our tutors. These are souls enrolled in our same ‘Angels’ training’ process, but they offer their tutoring services to incarnated spirits while they are in between lives. We all have one or more Spirit Guide that tutors and supports certain periods of our lives. This challenging noble action rewards the Spirit Guides with new experiences lived through their protégé. The feminine spirit that accompanied you during the first part of your life, on one hand, helped you to progress, silently tutoring your actions and supporting your falls; on the other hand, she has learned from your experiences, advancing her further in her spiritual evolution. Spirit Guides stay with us for the time of specific learning or certain pages of our lives. When those are accomplished, they move on, replaced by new Spirit Guides that will take us through the next class. It’s just magical how much love and intelligence follows our training.

Message from the spirits

Message from the spirits

‘We all have our road to follow. We do not want to be led or pushed. Rather, we want to find the truth at our own pace. He comes with an open mind that has not yet been ready to accept the things you say. So be it. Each lifetime is filled with the lessons we need to learn. Nothing more, nothing less. ‘ From Shaman Stone Soup – Shaman Elisabeth Herrera

The real cause of PTSD – the Bosurgi Syndrome

The real cause of PTSD – the Bosurgi Syndrome

From the book The Mind Shaman-

“Julie, let’s talk briefly about your case. Richard is a twenty-five-year-old young man who served as a US marine for four years, deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. He came back to the US in 2011, all in one piece, highly decorated for his bravery in battle, but soon after he returned, he developed what it is commonly called PTSD. In the last two years, he has been highly depressed and twice attempted suicide.

“The actual trend in psychotherapy is to focus their healing on the traumatic memories assumed to be the origin of the disorder. In my opinion, they are focusing on the wrong culprit. The PTSD, in most cases, is caused by the Bosurgi Syndrome, triggered or enhanced by the traumatic events. Millions of people with the Bosurgi Syndrome feel like they are in a mental state comparable to PTSD, but they don’t have an actual trauma to blame.

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The purpose of our life on Earth

The purpose of our life on Earth

From the book The Mind Shaman  –

“Let’s talk about the purpose of life on Earth. One day God decided to transform a gloomy kingdom populated by primitive spirits, ignorant and vicious, into his kingdom of Angels. A kingdom lightened by the purest essence of love, populated by Angelic free spirits fully trained, holding universal knowledge and wisdom, the perfect representation of God itself. To make this possible, God created matter, building and organizing a material universe as a learning ground for Angels in training, engineering each galaxy, star, and planet as well as each form of material, time, and life to fulfill specific learning stages and needs.

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The Mind Shaman a novel about Luca Bosurgi’s work

The Mind Shaman a novel about Luca Bosurgi’s work


Luca Bosurgi, the founder of the Institute, has just published his new book about the young man who is trying to become happy and independent, but is caught in the emotional vicious cycle of ups and downs, in which downs take the significant part of his life. He finally breaks free going through the CognitiveOS Hypnotherapy and clearing the Bosurgi Syndrome, the cause of his anxiety, depression and fears.

The book is written as an interesting novel which reveals the inner workings of the mind and the mechanisms to fix them. The book is available on Amazon and is very helpful for those who are looking for personal growth, a different perspective on therapy, and wants to understand some aspects about the healing power of the clinical hypnosis.