You can’t love anyone if you don’t love yourself.
From the book the Mind Shaman-
“All right, let’s talk about your partnership with Diana. I would wait until our work is completed before you evaluate or make any decision about your relationship or any other aspect of your life. You will see that many of your priorities are going to change, and you are going to see life differently. This is the normal process experienced by each client that clears codependency. Today, despite the fact that you are nineteen, you are still in the typical self-centered attitude of a young man of ten years old, struggling with too many personal issues to be able to focus on a partner. When you will position yourself at the top of the vertical hierarchy over your mind and your mind over your body, you will be so happy with yourself that you will forget about you. Then you will be fit for love. You can’t love anyone if you don’t love yourself, because you are still too focused on solving your personal issues.
“My Spiritual Teacher has compared love as a train track, two rails always progressing together in the same direction but never crossing. Khalil Gibran in his book The Prophet compared love to the same wine drunk from different glasses, two strings of the violin playing the same note. Our evolution is single. We can walk together with someone else for a period or for all of our life, but our evolutions will remain individual and never merge. Therefore, individuals create powerful unions. You mentioned my wife and me. It’s a good example. We are both strong and independent. We trust and love each other enormously, and we try to spend all of our available time together. We focus on our reciprocal needs, but we don’t depend emotionally on each other. This makes our marriage a 50 percent mutual effort, keeping us faithfully together but single in our spiritual evolution. We choose to be together every day, and our choice is based on the pleasure of being with each other, not on the fear of being alone or unloved. All that comes from joy, efficiency, and power is the fruit of a well-balanced vertical hierarchy, spirit over mind, and mind over body. In contrast, everything that originates from neediness or fears is the indication of lack of structure and typically does not last.”