Pre-rem meditation – the door to miracles
From the book ‘The Mind Shaman’ –
“Liam, today I want to teach you the Pre-Rem meditation, an exercise that I created to assist my clients to more quickly achieve their goals. If you do this exercise every night before you fall asleep, you will get powerful results in a very short time. First, let’s analyze a fundamental aspect of the survival system. Have you ever asked yourself why we often sabotage our best chances of success? The answer is simple. Success will take us into uncharted territory considered by our survival system to be unsafe. Therefore, our unconscious mind will try to put a stop to it. Take an actor or a musician not established yet, who is used to earning a maximum of five thousand dollars a month. When he finally has success and gets a monthly offer of a hundred thousand dollars, he will undoubtedly be over the moon but may unconsciously sabotage it. Why? Because his survival system will feel unsafe thinking that the step forward is too far into the unknown and, therefore, too big a risk. This will oblige the poor artist to walk away, sabotaging the deal.
“Our survival system keeps a safe zone for every aspect of our behavior. This is determined by our precedent successful experiences. In order to keep us safe, it will allow us to cross that line only 5 to 8 percent of the time. Here is an example: If you can successfully jump two feet, your mind may feel safe to allow you a jump of two feet and half, or maybe less. If then you jump two and a half feet successfully, you will be then allowed to jump three feet and so on. This is fine for jumping but very limited and frustrating if you want to make fast changes in the areas of money, love, or success.
“The second mind factor that we need to examine before we get to the meditation is our perception of reality. Each passing event can either be real or the fruit of our imagination. How can the mind identify what is real and what is not? Imagine that yesterday you went to Vegas for a meeting, you took your car to the airport, you checked in, you got on a plane, then you used a car to reach your meeting. You did your work, maybe you also gambled a bit, and then you performed the same steps to travel back to your home in Malibu. This journey has created a file in your memory called ‘meeting in Vegas 21st April 2013.’ Imagine, instead, that you did the same but just in your mind. You have been in Vegas several times, so you can faithfully reconstruct each step of the journey. This will create another file called ‘meeting in Vegas 21st April 2013.’ Today your mind wants to retrieve the actual file about the meeting in Vegas. Which one will it consider to be real and why?
“Let’s look at these two files. The one produced by your imagination is just a small flat video file with some traces of emotions or sounds if you are very imaginative. The real one is a very large file that includes all the sounds and smells of the journey, as well as all of the physical and emotional feelings connected to it. Cold, hot, happy, bored, worried, physical pains, itching, hungry, excited, and so on are part of our daily life and so are considered by the mind as essential characteristics of real events. Therefore, the first will be considered by the mind to be imagination and the second one an actual experienced event.
“Let’s use these elements to build our meditation. When you are ready to go to sleep, take a long shower to clear all the unnecessary energies accumulated during the day. Treat your body with respect and love; it has served you faithfully all day long. Then get into a comfortable position in your bed, close your eyes, and visualize a flow of blue light entering the chakra of your crown, just above your head. Allow this flow of light to slowly enter each part of your body from the top of your head all the way to down to your toes. Recognize and thank each part of your body as it receives the blue light. Imagine being a good king that walks through his kingdom thanking and saluting his subjects with pride and gratitude. Visualize the blue light entering in each cell of your system, pushing out the old and tired energies. Visualize these old energies as gray, and let them flow through your body and out from your hands and feet.
“When your body is fully immersed and restored by the blue light, visualize a stairway of ten steps. Each step will bring you ten times deeper into a deep physical sleep; only your mind will remain awake and alert. Walk down the stairs counting slowly and enjoy the feeling of this progressively deep relaxation. When you are ten steps down, visualize a door at the base of the staircase that takes you into a parallel reality. Open the door and visualize yourself entering the place or the situation that you are trying to obtain, but as if you were already there and very comfortably positioned in it. If you want to become a movie star, you will visualize yourself on the set of a movie as the lead actor or driving to the Oscars to get your second award. If you want to look thinner, you will visualize yourself in the size that you are aiming for while doing a marathon or a cat walk. If you desire to become a spiritual teacher, visualize yourself teaching.
“The key is to create a short story where you visualize yourself comfortably in the life that you desire, experiencing all of the satisfying results of your hard work. The story must include all of the feelings, emotions, and sensations that a real-life situation would offer. After a few minutes of this real-life visualization, let yourself fall asleep. Your mind will immediately process this visualization as a real event due to the amount of sensations, emotions, and feelings attached to it and will imprint it in your memory as an episode of your life that it considers real. If you do this regularly, every night if possible, using different stories however always based on the same life goal, you will imprint in your memory a fully explored and totally real parallel life comfortable to your mind and safe to your survival system.
“This will allow you to reach that goal in your real life without resistance from your survival system. Since in your mind you have already been there, the way is wide open to you. Some people who believe in the laws of attraction will say that this exercise will also attract many of the visualized goals. I’m not convinced that it is true. I can’t imagine that we can change our experiences through visualizations; nevertheless I have seen many of my clients and friends resolve their personal and financial life after a few weeks practicing this meditation. Therefore, I can’t exclude its benefit.”
From the book ‘The Mind Shaman’