Karma redefined
From the book The Mind Shaman-
“We will never appreciate and be thankful enough for a life on Earth. Each time that we are allowed to reenter a physical body, our new life has to be entirely organized and sustained by the Higher Forces. It’s a highly complex and challenging project, tailor-made for each individual stage of evolution and in constant transformation as a result of our free will. The divine intelligence called Karma is responsible for this plan and generates experiences according to our learning plan and the time that we require to learn each lesson that comes with it. The same experience may have to be re-proposed a number of times before it is learned. This will delay or stall the progression of our life. Or on the flip side, if the experience is immediately capitalized and the lesson proposed by it is learned quickly, the life progression becomes much faster than originally planned.
“Let’s define Karma again and expand on this concept. In many philosophies, Karma represents the fatalistic consequence of what we did during our lives, an action and reaction. This concept of reward and/or punishment according to your past actions is a naive explanation of the precious and complex work accomplished by Karma. Karma is not either a law or a divine mechanism for reward or punishment. Karma is the divine intelligence that drives our ‘Angels’ training strategy’ throughout our spiritual journey: from dark ignorance to perfection. It’s that wonderful divine program that generates the time and type of reincarnations, as well as our lives’ teaching and experiences according to our spiritual weaknesses or to our next lesson in our learning schedule.
“With stubborn precision, Karma will make us live the same type of experience again and again until we learn that specific lesson. If we abuse money, Karma will make us struggle financially until we learn to respect the energy of wealth. If we abuse love, we may experience dreadful periods of solitude until we learn the value of feelings. What may seem to be punishment are really lessons generated in order to provide us with that specific awareness and knowledge. Karma is also responsible for the incredibly accurate generation of the teachings that we require in the exact moments we are ready for them. The saying ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear’ is, in fact, talking about the work of Karma.
“Most people are unaware that we can influence our Karma in many ways. Understanding the lesson that we need to learn from a challenging experience, as well as acquiring specific knowledge sooner than planned, will shorten the experience and avoid new similar ones. Keeping our mind and senses alert toward new understanding and teachings increases exponentially the flow of awareness and knowledge that we are able to receive. But we can go further by surrendering and starting to work hand in hand with Karma, as we would with our headmaster. This can be done by carefully analyzing repetitive patterns and identifying the experiences when they are still in the formative state. If we are able to read these messages and learn the lesson before they become a challenging experience, Karma will be satisfied and the experience can be avoided. This transforms our relationship with Karma from a passive feeling of fatality to a constructive and grateful attitude for every experience received, good or bad. Mastering the relationship with Karma puts us in charge of our evolution, allowing for a much more enjoyable, efficient, and powerful life.
“If Karma is the headmaster, then the Spirit Guides are our tutors. These are souls enrolled in our same ‘Angels’ training’ process, but they offer their tutoring services to incarnated spirits while they are in between lives. We all have one or more Spirit Guide that tutors and supports certain periods of our lives. This challenging noble action rewards the Spirit Guides with new experiences lived through their protégé. The feminine spirit that accompanied you during the first part of your life, on one hand, helped you to progress, silently tutoring your actions and supporting your falls; on the other hand, she has learned from your experiences, advancing her further in her spiritual evolution. Spirit Guides stay with us for the time of specific learning or certain pages of our lives. When those are accomplished, they move on, replaced by new Spirit Guides that will take us through the next class. It’s just magical how much love and intelligence follows our training.