Month: May 2014

Look Up

Look Up

‘Look Up’ – A spoken word film for an online generation.

‘Look Up’ is a lesson taught to us through a love story, in a world where we continue to find ways to make it easier for us to connect with one another, but always results in us spending more time alone.


A Pound of Red Apples (A story about relationships)

A Pound of Red Apples (A story about relationships)

Imagine that you have a friend named Mary. Mary has 3 green apples, but you need a pound of red apples.  Logically it would have made sense to go to the market and buy a pound of red apples from someone who is ready to sell you a pound of red apples, but the market is too far and who knows if there are apples there at all?  What if it is closed down for inventory or maintenance? Meanwhile your friend Mary is here, right in front of you and she is cool.  So you make a brave assumption that somewhere Mary should have a pound of red apples. Deep in her heart. You also believe that if you apply necessary efforts, she will give them to you, which is what you really want.

“Hey Mary, do you want to go to the movies?” you say with a nice smile on your face.  Mary is surprised, but most likely she wants to go, especially because you pretend you really want to take her out.   So you take Mary to the movies, but interestingly enough a pound of red apples doesn’t appear after this. “What the heck?” you think and then take her out for coffee. You take her dog for a walk, paint her walls, fix her car, but nothing happens. “What a witch!” you think indignantly, however offer for her to move in with you. The price of red apples is now sky high. Forget about the market, now you need to get your apples specifically from Mary.  You tell yourself that she is your fate and now it is pretty clear how the story will end: the day will come when someone will be screaming “I have given you my life, and you can’t find the bloody apples for me?!” And someone else will be sobbing and saying: “I don’t have any apples, why in the world have you decided I do?”

And, honestly, why did you decide that? I purposefully don’t consider the situation when deceitful Mary laboriously misleads you because she simply likes to go to the movies (although often this is exactly what happens). However in many cases we, ourselves, are not quite honest in our intentions and other people eventually don’t have what we are looking for: a pound of red apples, a wish to have five kids with us, an intention to spend vacations together, an ability to have honest conversations, and trivially – loving us. Consequently they don’t have a capability to demonstrate this love.  And this is normal, just like it is normal to want all these wonderful things.

What is not normal is to racketeer trying to shake out from the first nice person who come our way something that they don’t have, just because somewhere deep in their heart they may still have it.

They don’t. If someone has something for you, they will gladly give it to you by themselves. Not from the depth of their heart, but from all of it.

Selfishness is a very common thing in relationships. We often want to be happy the way we think we need to be happy coming to the relationship with the specific agenda. Or we simply hope that the other person will make us happy, take away the loneliness and bring stability and comfort. This reliance on the external source of love and comfort makes us blind to the needs of our partner and go after securing relationship benefits for ourselves. In the end it creates a lot of dissatisfaction, misunderstanding and disappointment.

The reason for selfishness is our inability to be good with ourselves, to love ourselves and not to be emotionally dependent on our partner. This happens because we may still be in the emotional position of a child who is expecting to receive love, attention and guidance from the parents. This condition is called overextended childhood codependency, or Bosurgi Syndrome.

The way to get out of this dependency is to establish our own leadership over our life, find the meaningful purpose and get comfortable with our true identity. One of the ways to do it is CognitiveOS Hypnosis therapy which helps clients to terminate childhood codependency, revise their goals, enable themselves to be emotionally independent, start living in the moment and feel comfortable with themselves no matter what.

The vertical hierarchy of spirit over mind – explained in simple terms.

The vertical hierarchy of spirit over mind – explained in simple terms.

From the book The Mind Shaman

“The quest started right after she woke up from the surgery. She was still stoned from the anesthesia when she asked me the first question. Her anxiety to know became so urgent that she overcame her physical weakness and stayed up for hours, asking thousands of questions, listening without wasting any time doubting my knowledge, trusting me as her teacher, and allowing my guidance to accompany her through this journey of enlightenment. After a couple of days working together on the vertical hierarchy of spirit over mind, my mom asked me to explain this concept to her in simple terms so that she could gain this notion quickly and move on. I heard myself talking, but it wasn’t me:

“Mom, imagine yourself as a ten-year-old girl walking with your mother through Manhattan for the first time. You feel safe and confident, totally assured by your mother’s leadership, and you love all that is around you—shops, cars, people. What would happen if your mother suddenly disappeared? All your surroundings would suddenly become very scary, and you would feel terrorized, looking for a leader to substitute for your mother and seeking a shelter to hide. If your mother doesn’t come back, you may get used to surviving in fear in the too big and too scary city. If instead your mother returns, you would quickly regain your balance and joy. How did you feel throughout your life, Mom?

“When you came into this world, there were two of you: you in the form of a powerful and very experienced soul and you in the human form as baby in body and mind. In the first part of your life, your parents were entrusted by nature to protect you and educate you, as well as to identify you with your soul and establish and train your leadership over your body and mind. Unfortunately, they were entirely focused on the physical beauty and financial wealth and totally unaware of the concept of self-leadership created by a vertical hierarchy of soul, mind, and body. Therefore, you grew up the same way I did, entirely focused on your body and mind and on their performances, without being trained to activate your spirit to take charge over your physical equipment. The best part of you—your soul—was kept in standby throughout your life in a passive role.

“Therefore, as soon your parents were gone, you felt unled, unsafe, and you sought external leadership wherever it was available to you. This is the result of this new era and wouldn’t have happened in the past. In the past, there were gods that punished and strict cultures and societies that took the leadership roles over the people. People were in the follower roles for every aspect of their lives, and their existence was boring but safe. They didn’t move around much and obeyed the authority over them. Today the world is changing fast; most of us are free to choose our actions and live the life we please. This has ended the collective leaderships, and people are obliged to take care of their own self, and this, of course, feels scary to most. Why? Because we haven’t yet learned how to identify ourselves in our spirit, activating the part of us capable to lead our physical body and mind efficiently and powerfully.

“What makes it more complicated is the release of the instinct of codependency. In the past, young adults moved comfortably from their parents’ leadership to the collective and strict leaderships of their churches, social structures, and cultures, and their codependency was easily satisfied. Today we can’t count on sustaining collective leaderships, so either we learn how to activate our own soul as leader of our mind and body or we remain stuck with codependency for the rest of our lives. Does this make sense, Mom?”

“That short demonstration changed my mother’s life. She got it straightaway, and she migrated from her mind to her spirit, finally giving her mind proper leadership and taking charge, coddling and supporting her dying body with the love of a mom. From then on, it was downstream. Our conversations became easy and straightforward. She was asking, and I was answering. It was my knowledge, but I never knew I had it. Diana spent long hours listening as well, amazed by the easiness and depth of my teachings. Well . . . I was amazed too, but it felt right, and I kept my ego cool. This was not the time for cockiness; my mother was dying, and I didn’t have any time to waste.

“She left the day of my birthday, and now I feel her with me more than I ever did throughout my life. The service was unnecessarily pompous. I guess it was meant to give John some closure, but I couldn’t cry or be sad. She was so incredibly present with her new self next to me that I felt joyful. And I still am.”

Reader’s question – I have read and in the process of rereading your book, “The Mind Shaman”.

Reader’s question – I have read and in the process of rereading your book, “The Mind Shaman”.

I have read and in the process of rereading your book, “The Mind Shaman”. You have described my challenges as if you know me. How can I, a ten year old (50 real years), get the help to change my life? What can I do for myself to effect real change?



let me highlight several important points coming from the Bosurgi Syndrome theory:

1. we have 3 dimensions: body, mind and spirit (self). Body exists and functions in the real world. Mind provides the best and safest mechanisms for body functioning. Spirit (self) has a role of an executive function which keeps you on track to achieve your goals and purpose;

2. mind has a service function supporting the spirit (self) and helping it to achieve the goals. The mind is not meant to lead. It relies on the leadership of the spirit (self) or, if it’s not there, of somebody or something else (e.g. work, beauty, etc.);

3. overextended codependency happens because the mind relies on the leadership of somebody or something else

4. in order to clear the codependency, leadership and responsibility needs to be moved from the external world to spirit or self.

You may be discouraged by several failures and lost trust in yourself (of your spirit). You need to start building this trust by creating small successes and accomplishments. This will start creating confidence and make you believe that you can.

Start from your goals, from your purpose, why are you here? And what talents do you have to help you accomplish this purpose? This will bring meaning to your life.

Then create a specific description of how you want to be in 2-3 years from now and build a very specific plan of how to get there. It takes time and thinking, but it is worth it. Accept the fact that no one is going to do it for you and no one will make you happy, unless you take the responsibility for it. Stop thinking like a victim, no one owes you anything, but you can take whatever you want. Guide yourself with your future goals, if you keep looking back, your past will keep determining your future. If you aspire to achieve something what you really want, your future will start determining your present. Stop creating stories why you couldn’t achieve the result, it keeps you in a bad place, what matters is if you have done something or not.

Take a piece of paper and write down all the good things you have in your life, is your situation really the worst? Every evening for two weeks write all the goods things that happened during that day. This will shift your focus from negative to positive.

And finally look around and see who is your crowd? Are they happy and successful people or someone who complains? Happiness and success are contagious as well as unhappiness and bad habits. Work on your environment and make sure it supports your goals, not drags you down.

If you take these steps, you are leading, taking responsibility for yourself, your life and your happiness.

I’m also referring you to this article on our blog that you may find helpful.