From the book The Mind Shaman –
“There are, broadly speaking, two types of hypnosis: command or authoritative hypnosis, used by stage hypnotists, and passive or clinical hypnosis. Command hypnosis works only with people that exhibit a high level of suggestibility, and the hypnotist assumes authoritative control over the subject, imposing her or his domination and control over the subject’s mind. Stage hypnosis should be carefully regulated, because if used by an unskilled hypnotist, it can harm the mind. In the practice of medicine, the type of hypnosis generally used is passive. The patient is assisted to go into hypnosis entirely voluntarily, and the hypnotist plays a completely passive role. Passive hypnosis is a gentle technique that works on everybody, and it’s quite the reverse of authoritative or command hypnosis that is used by stage hypnotists.
“I researched the passive hypnosis that I use in my work, and I found that is just a method of helping the client reach and then stay for the length of the session in the brain state called Theta. Theta is the same as the level of deep meditation reached by well-trained Buddhist monks. Theta enjoys the freedom of the dream state but within an awakened mind. During Theta, the doubt system is in a stand-by mode, allowing your mind to explore uncharted territories without resistance. When you work with me, you will feel awake most of the time and in control. You may feel surprised that you are not asleep or stoned.” – The mind Shaman p.169-170