Luca is on the cutting edge of solving depression and addiction once and for all
My name is Luka Pecel,
My battle with alcohol and depression was a long, demoralizing, and futile fight that by age 44 had left me for dead. I had been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, had been deemed a lost cause by friends and family, I was arrested several times for DUI’s, and had been to countless hospitals and rehabilitation centers. Feeling hopeless and alone, I was finalizing my plan of escape from the world. By the Grace of God, I found Luca Bosurgi. What happened next changed my life forever, and I promise it will change yours too.
I had been through a decade of traditional cognitive therapy with virtually no results. Looking for answers, I traveled and searched, assiduously investigating every self-help movement that was available. Time and time again, I found myself back in an even deeper depression, with a bottle at my bedside. It wasn’t until Luca explained to me his groundbreaking discovery of AED (adult emotional dependency) that I understood for the first time what my problem had been all these years. It was like the weight of the world had been lifted off me. There is so much more to say about my many amazing discoveries, life-changing lessons and eye opening experiences.
Luca Bosurgi’s twenty five years of experience and training, prodigious faith, and revolutionary breakthroughs in psychology of the mind are going to help change the world for generations to come, as they have done for me. I was lucky enough to get this help. I truly believe that Luca is on the cutting edge of solving depression and addiction once and for all. This is something the world needs right now, and with God’s blessing, we are going to do everything in our power to help spread this technology.” -Luka